Brief Travel report to Norway beginning of November 2024
Velkommen til den 15. IJMC JWM 2025 i Skien, Norge - Welcome to the 15th IJMC JWM 2025 in Skien, Norway.
Just before the end of the year, I would like to take the opportunity to give you a short travel report about my trip to Norway at the beginning of November.
After I arrived in Skien, Trond had already organized an appointment with the hotel managers at the Thon Hotel on Friday evening. We were able to quickly clarify the general conditions and after I had a look at the premises, it was decided to move all evening activities such as Nations Night, the IJMC meeting and the closing ceremony to the hotel. The rooms are very good and the Thon Hotel will be able to accommodate all pilots, teams and some guests in addition to the Hotel Bryggeparken.
On Saturday we had a look at the airfield and all the infrastructural measures. The airfield is huge and has a 400 meter long asphalt runway. We won't have the sun in the flight corridor during the day, which will make the judges' work easier. We have roughly decided where which tents and the campsite will be set up. The campsite offers plenty of space for around 50 motorhomes and caravans. The cars can be parked on the neighboring grounds of the Motorsport Club.
We then drew up a rough plan of where tents, mobile toilets, security fences, etc. could be placed on the site. The final exact locations of all necessary means will certainly be defined in the course of further planning.
During the visit, I was also able to meet some members of the Skien Jet Model Club, who have all agreed to help with the event. Overall, the team from the model club will be supported by the members of the motor sports club.
We then worked out a timetable, which led to the JWM 2025 in Nowegen being scheduled from 22.08. - 30.08. 2025. The model flying club will use the first weekend for a big airshow to open the JWM on Sunday evening. The final event will be the award and closing ceremony at the Thon Hotel on the following Saturday. Sunday, August 31, is then scheduled for the departure of the teams and pilots.
I am particularly looking forward to the possibility of integrating a Giant class into the competition for the first time in Norway, which allows models with a total weight of 150 kg to be flown. With this opportunity we want to follow the trend and give larger models a platform for a scale competition. How this competition will establish itself in addition to the smaller classes remains to be seen. Nevertheless, the IJMC would like to make this attempt, also to demonstrate that the IJMC can quickly adapt to new prerequisites in the scale scene.
To summarize, I can say that my trip to Norway was very helpful and I am very impressed by the opportunities there. In the meantime, Trond, his team and I have pushed ahead with the work so that the 9-month delay to the original venue in Doha is completely recovered. I would like to thank Trond and his team for their hospitality and willingness to host the 15th IJMC JWC in Norway and look forward to seeing them again in August 2025.
Frank Dohrmann
IJMC Chairman

The complete Skien airfield from above, picture taken by a drone.

The 400mtr long runway with the parallel little embankment in the back.

The runway on the west end side where the pilots and judges will be positioned.

Part of the supporting team in Skien, view from the on-site balcony of the cafeteria.

View to the adjacent motor sport circuit, area will be used as car parking area.

View to the city lake where in summer time the water fountains will create a nice atmosphere.

View to the Thon Hotel where all evening events will take place and half of the teams are accomodated.